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Notice for booking

Please read the instructions carefully. After your booking that means you have read and agreed to be bound by the below terms and conditions.

1. 學生可預訂未來7天之課堂,開始預約時間為上星期課堂開課後2小時。
1. Students can make a reservation 7days (166 hours) before class.

2. 網上完成預訂後,系統會自動發出訂單的收妥通知電郵。如在註明的時限內沒有於收件箱或垃圾郵件箱中收到郵件,請即時透過instagram聯繫。
2. After complete the bokking, this system will automatically issue a notification confirming the booking via the email address provided by you.
If you do not receive an email within the specified time, please contact us via instagram immediately.

3. 學生可於網站以信用卡直接付款。 如學生沒有信用卡, 可選擇手動付款。我們接受以下付款方式:
Students can pay directly by credit card on the website. If student don’t have a credit card, please choose "Manuel Payment" in the payment info page. We accept the following payment methods:
- 恒生銀行匯款
-Hang Seng Bank Transfer
-Pay in person (full payment must be made 12 hours before class)

4. 必須提供ATM入數紙相片,網上記錄或截屏作證明。
4. Bank-in receipt, online record or screenshot must be provided.

5. 任何情況下,已繳付之費用一律不作退還。
5. Under any circumstances, payment will not be refunded.

6. 可於課堂12小前更改或取消預約。
6. Cancellation or reschedule are available 12 hours before class.

7. 如學員上課當天生病,並能提供醫生證明,有關課堂則可保留。
7. If student can provide medical certificates, the relevant class can be rescheduled.

8. 如於上課當天懸掛8號或以上風球或黑色暴雨警告訊號,本工作室將會暫停開放。如於上課前2小時,所有颱風或暴雨警告訊號除下,課堂會如常進行。如黑色暴雨或八號颱風於租用時段中懸掛,課堂亦會如常進行。
8. If typhoon signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted on the day of class, studio will be temporarily closed. If all typhoon or rainstorm warning signals are cancelled 2 hours before class, class will remain normal. If a black rainstorm or Typhoon No. 8 is hoisted during class, class will continue as usual.

9. BEDREX保留一切安排的最終決定權。
9. BEDREX reserves the right of final decision on all arrangements.


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